
You have to survive

You have to survive
Every day is a battle, survival is rule #1

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

CHRW short entry, EDU short experimental entry, GRYE long entry with scottrade

I went short in CHRW according to my current set of rules. I also shorted EDU as a curious trade. an experiment. it seems to be how daytrader rockstar shorts rising wedges so i thought i would try it. My order to buy 6000 shares of GRYE penny stock in Scottrade was filled today at .005 and i immediately lost 20%, i lost half of a cent....crazy! I plan on holding GRYE for long enough to let it do a rediculous pump or mature into a higher price range. I might put some more money into GRYE soon, maybe get it up to 20000 shares. It does seem like a great little company where the stock price only sucks cuz they are growing so rapidly and their financial appear terrible as a result.

yesterday i found one stock i wanted to short but it wasnt available to borrow...CHBT. im getting a little tired of hearing that from good charts that i find. will probably focus on more expensive stocks from now on. i also saw "stop trading" with big jim cramer and a good looking brunette. i would say there was about 30% talk about 'finance' and 70% joking around. thanks CNBC for keeping the cattle interested enough to fuel the market fire.

this china bubble sounds like its going to burst any day, to the suprise of most people there im sure. seems so obvious. you really know what a market is topping out if people in high places start telling the public that "its not topping out".

today news got out that possibly 15000 people have died from a Russian heat wave. thats a pretty high number which makes Russia sound more like a 3rd world country...i expected more from proud russia, now going on 20 years without communism.

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