
You have to survive

You have to survive
Every day is a battle, survival is rule #1

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Psychology of average people

So I was honked by two different people today.  I did not do anything crazy in either case and both involved a car from behind racing up to me before having to slow down anyways cuz of traffic or a red light.

This morning  I downloaded q2 earnings from the cameron website. Cam basically had a significantly lower eps than q2 of last year.  People got scared real quick because the stock price sold down almost 6% yesterday, but completely rebounded this morning.  So the people who sold might be wondering if they made the right decision.  But I say, wouldnt u expect eps to be lower this year compared to last year since oil prices are much lower.  I mean, what idiots were surprised and sold out of fear???

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